Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Around The House

Just a few pictures from around the house...Dad turned 33, and Sam drew me as a fat guy on his card in the picture below.  He got tickled when I got on to him about making me a little fat guy, and he was a tall skinny guy.

Mrs. Benet came over to the house the other day, and Magan wanted Belle to show her the Princess wave (if you haven’t seen it, it is pretty hilarious, don’t know where she picked it up).  Belle looked at Magan and said very politely “No, I don’t have my shoes, I don’t have my princess dress, I’m sorry.”   

Davis was having a hard time writing his numbers in school, so Magan is making him practice each day when he gets home.  Yesterday, she said he did great till he got to 9 and 10.  When having troubles, Magan sent him into the kitchen to write them 4 times a piece.  She said she heard him in there just pouting and making some angry noises.  Then he came back in with his paper.  Magan asked to see his paper and immediately saw just scribble…”What is this”…Davis showed her the faces drawn on the paper and said “Those are my angry faces, see the big teeth”.  Davis had to try again.

When we got home Sunday, it was raining, so all of the games were cancelled.  Magan and I excited to have a chance to rest.  As we pulled into the garage, Sam started cheering “Yeah, a rainy day”.  Wondering why he was so excited, I asked him.  “You said you would play a board game with me on a rainy day”.  J  Can’t say I was looking forward to playing Monopoly for 1.5 hours, but fun seeing that big ole scratched up smile while we were playing.

One more Sam story.  I was telling the boys the other night about the dangers of drugs, and one of the symptoms I was trying to use was teeth could fall out.  Sam got a big smile on his face, so I asked "Would that be funny, to lose your teeth because of the drugs"?  He told me "No, but they would get a lot of tooth fairy money"...and gave me his big grin.  

He did a good job presenting a book report which including decorating this pumpkin below as an elephant.  

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