Friday, October 19, 2012

Campout with the Church Family

Time for the annual Campout at the Vinsants.  It was another great day this fall to enjoy with our church family.  Our neighbors were able to join us, and many other friends.  Sam, Davis and I spent the night in our tent, and had a fairly good night with weather down in the 40s.  Lots of blankets, and a big fire to keep us warm till bedtime.  We sang some songs, ate some hot dogs, and had a good time of fellowship.  

Only bad incident was Davis getting bit in the eye by one of the Vinsant's dogs.  Luckily it just barely broke the skin on Dave's eyelid.  He was definately upset for awhile, but already back petting another dog there by the end of the night.  Found out later that some of the other kids were poking the dog with a stick and he was an old dog tied to a tree.  Davis, being a friend to all animals, reached down to give him a hug, and got a little more than he was looking for.  He had fun telling the story the everyone that would listen later though.  

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