Monday, December 10, 2012

Around The House

Just a few fun stories, then some pictures.  

Sam - Dealing with Dad's Sarcasm
Sam and Davis at bedtime for some reason start going crazy, they can not seem to be able to use their ears to listen to anything that we say.  This seems to often lead to spankings closing out a day that would otherwise have been really wonderful.  I, probably too often, sit them down to lecture them on obedience and why they need to listen.  One night after a lecture on doing what i say when I say it, and as I was somewhat frustrated at them, I asked with heavy sarcasm "You know what would be really great?  You know what would be really cool when I told you do do something?"

Then somehow through the "Wah Wah Wah Wah" that Sam was hearing from me, he apparently did hear the "You know what would be really cool?" part,  and he quickly answered "If we could fly".  Then I looked at him like he was crazy, and he got these excited eyes and said "Dad, that would be soo cool if we could fly around the house".  

I looked over at Dave, and he fell over laughing.  I looked back and Sam, who smiled and started laughing.  Then I about doubled over laughing.  Oh well, I guess that would be cool.    

Sam and Davis - Insight into China
I have been trying to speak to the boys about other countries and struggles they have in those areas with the gospel being spread.  We talked about China the other day and how they are in many areas cracking down on the spread of the gospel teaching.  We talked about how the leaders in that country were sometimes being "mean" to believers in God, and people in that country preaching.  So then I overheard a Sam and Davis conversation later that week...
Sam:  China needs a king that will turn the people to God
Davis:  Yeah, then they could obey God
Sam:  Yeah...China is pretty bad...but they do have Pandas.  :)  
And that's true, They do have Pandas.  Sometimes you just got to look for the positive.  

Sam and his Elf
Christopher Poppinkins (The elf on the shelf) is now all over our house in a different hiding spot each day.  All of the kids love trying to find him each day and always laugh at the funny things he gets into.  Sam takes his picture every day with his DS, and really like him a lot.  One morning after finding the Elf early before magan and I woke up, he came and whispered to us with wide eyes..."The Elf waved at me".  It is so real to my little buddies, and fun to watch their smiles for their little Elf.  Sometimes we will catch Sam just sitting and watching Christopher...waiting for that next wave.  

Sam won first place for his den selling peanuts, even with a botched order for Nanny and Katie.  He won a Nerf Gun, think he was excited?

I was very excited to watch Wreck-it-Ralph, and we got to take the kids over the Thanksgiving Holidays.  I was somewhat surprised when Magan ditched me and the kids to watch Twilight with John and Schea.  I mean, she really just ditched those kids without a second thought.  :)  No matter, it was fun for all of us, and she wouldn't have gotten another chance to see it at the theater.

Christopher Poppinkins in the tree!...

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