Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas at Nanny's

One day I will get a picture of all the food at Nanny's house on these days...crazy.  Lot's o cousins at Nanny's.  Can you see that Davis' dog got matching shoes as Davis.  He loved that.

Nanny!  Now that is just dangerous.  I would not even trust Davis with a crossbow.  She looks a little terrified.  Nanny had Santa hats for all, Marcus had gloves with no fingers (too cool) for all.  Everybody picked on Marcus for his weird male feline facebook pics, picked on McKenna for her new boyfriend, and for once did not pick on me for sleeping...no nap for me.  Rainy day so all of the kids played inside...can't recall any major incidents other than when Nanny decided to give all of the boys crossbows.  Eli's eye did not fare so well, nor did Sam's bottom after his point blank range firing at Eli.  All in all, in the words of Ice Cube in that Christmas classic...I didn't even have to use my AK, I got to say it was a good day.

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