Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Zoo Trip

Just a quick trip to the zoo on a Sunday Afternoon...Beautiful day.  Usually a day of rest, but every once and awhile I convince Magan to let me go.  The birds are fun, but completely terrify the rest of the family, so I get to be the one in all the pictures.  Although they all love going to see the birds...holding them is another thing.

OK, smiles on all of us for this train ride, although it took us about 1.5 hours to get to ride.  We started in what is an abnormally long line, and were first in line for the 3rd train from when we got in line.  While our wait seemed to take forever, it was fun to sit with the kids and watch a mischievous little squirrel climb into a stroller in the stroller parking.  It climbed down in the seat, picked up some cheerios, ate them, then went back for more...

Then the train came back and Sam and Davis were excited to get to pick their own seat (They were going to get in the very back).  The Train operator then informed us that he was needed at the caroussel across the zoo.  WHAT???  Apparently he didn't notice that we were in the front of a 60 person line at the train.  But he left, and we were supposed to wait.  So we went to the play area and decided not to ride the train that day...Belle nearly erupted, but oh well.  We saw the elephants and rhinos, then on our way out the train was still to all of the kids big smiles, we finally got on the train.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Davis Turns 6, and has a party or two or three

This post is dedicated to our wonderful sweet Mom that thinks of fun Birthday things to do.  Even without a big party, our Mom took care of her "Big D" with many special events for his 6th birthday.  She thought of this trip to Build-A-Bear, which I tried to veto, but it ended up being excellent for all three.  They just love the stuffed animals, and the Build-A-Bear employees are great with the kids.  Below they are giving their animals all their love so they can put it in the animal, and it will love them back.  :)  

After they made their animals, to Davis' surprise, the WHOLE STORE told him happy birthday.

We next met Granny, Grandaddy, MawMaw, Colby and Melissa at Styx in Fultondale.  Again Davis had a fun time opening presents, and watching the "butter fly" and "volcano" on the hibachi grill.  Davis again got another surprise as they brought him an ice cream for his birthday and sung to him in Japanese.

On Davis' actual birthday, I was out of town, so Magan had him another fun day planned.  He had a fun day at school with his birthday hat, then got to meet his cousins at Superior Grill for another birthday dinner.  And guess what?  yep, they all sung happy birthday to him.  Happy Birthday Davis...Big friend Dave.

The Marathon Run

Yeah, that's me.  Number 149.  Half-Marathon finisher.  2 hours 17 minutes.  And placing 2166 out of 3534 people.

It all began in August as I signed up for the marathon after being inspired by "Team Hoyt".  I then tried to tell many people about this craziness, part because of my running excitement, but also part for accountability, as it would have been easy to back out if I was the only one to know.

But training began for a marathon, and through many many runs around my neighborhood (one where I could not really walk without a limp for a week, one where Magan thought I needed to go to the hospital [very bad pain], a couple of near-puke experiences), I realized that I could make it, but only the half-marathon.  My training was to get me to running 20 miles, when my longest run was only 15 miles.  So half-marathon it was.

The day of the race and adrenaline was kicking.  I woke up around 4:30 AM to eat a protein bar.  Packed my fanny pack with an extra protein bar, some cash, and my photo ID (just in case I passed out somewhere).  My attire included my new boxerjocks (a requirement for long runs), sweatpants, longsleeved shirt, short sleeved shirt, hooded sweatshirt, two neon green bandaids strategically placed to prevent chaffing, gloves, tobaggin, nano watch...Did I mention it was about 30 degrees at the start of the race?

Made it to the start line with about an hour before the race, and felt that before I begin a long run, I needed one last bathroom break, and what do you know, NO stall doors in the bathrooms.  So begins my marathon morning in a stall with no doors with a crowd of people waiting right in front of my vision.  Oh well, embarrassing, but would not have been a fun run without completion of that task.

The race went well after that.  It took me about 7 minutes to cross the start line after the shotgun start.  I've never seen so many people running.  Really cool.  I started my pace and quickly starting passing the 13 minute folks and walkers.  Around Mile 1 I caught up with the 5 hour pace group (the pace leader was a fast stepper...don't know how to describe any better, but it is weird to watch).  I passed this group and couldn't pass up the bathroom stop at mile 2 (no lines).  From there out, no more stops, I ran passed the 5 hour pace group (yes, once again, they passed me while I was in the porta potty) at about mile 3.  I then found a guy wearing a Nike race gear shirt, and he had a good pace...but again not fast enough...So I kept running.

From about mile 5 to mile 9 is torture in Birmingham, This is all uphill and a pain.  No side stitches, no knee pains, the legs just kept going.  Mile 9 was almost a wall for me though.  I knew I was going to make it, but did not know if I could keep the pace, but that's when I saw downhill, and the 4:45 pace group...two things to pump me up to compete.  I started running downhill and sailed past the 4:45 group.  I then hit mile 11 back on the straight level roads in Birmingham, and thought I would try and run in...bad choice.

I got to mile 12 and about died, so I took a couple of walking spells.  During one of these walking spells the marathon winner past me, that's right, Mr. Macias running a 5:08 mile pace blew past me lapping me and making me feel really slow.

But I finished strong, jogging the last 1/2 mile, which is where the picture above was taken.  Finished the race, ate about 2 oranges whole, then raced to my car, drove to McDonalds, changed into my church clothes, and made it to church by 10:30 AM.  And I think it was Thursday of the next week before the soreness went away.

Next Race - Talledega 21K in September

Friday, February 1, 2013

Disney Trinkets

Found these trinkets while cleaning out my backpack...What a fun trip last November!  I am ready to go back...just something about Disney.  There are stories within each trinket below, but most have already been a blog not so long ago.