Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Zoo Trip

Just a quick trip to the zoo on a Sunday Afternoon...Beautiful day.  Usually a day of rest, but every once and awhile I convince Magan to let me go.  The birds are fun, but completely terrify the rest of the family, so I get to be the one in all the pictures.  Although they all love going to see the birds...holding them is another thing.

OK, smiles on all of us for this train ride, although it took us about 1.5 hours to get to ride.  We started in what is an abnormally long line, and were first in line for the 3rd train from when we got in line.  While our wait seemed to take forever, it was fun to sit with the kids and watch a mischievous little squirrel climb into a stroller in the stroller parking.  It climbed down in the seat, picked up some cheerios, ate them, then went back for more...

Then the train came back and Sam and Davis were excited to get to pick their own seat (They were going to get in the very back).  The Train operator then informed us that he was needed at the caroussel across the zoo.  WHAT???  Apparently he didn't notice that we were in the front of a 60 person line at the train.  But he left, and we were supposed to wait.  So we went to the play area and decided not to ride the train that day...Belle nearly erupted, but oh well.  We saw the elephants and rhinos, then on our way out the train was still to all of the kids big smiles, we finally got on the train.

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