Sunday, February 17, 2013

Davis Turns 6, and has a party or two or three

This post is dedicated to our wonderful sweet Mom that thinks of fun Birthday things to do.  Even without a big party, our Mom took care of her "Big D" with many special events for his 6th birthday.  She thought of this trip to Build-A-Bear, which I tried to veto, but it ended up being excellent for all three.  They just love the stuffed animals, and the Build-A-Bear employees are great with the kids.  Below they are giving their animals all their love so they can put it in the animal, and it will love them back.  :)  

After they made their animals, to Davis' surprise, the WHOLE STORE told him happy birthday.

We next met Granny, Grandaddy, MawMaw, Colby and Melissa at Styx in Fultondale.  Again Davis had a fun time opening presents, and watching the "butter fly" and "volcano" on the hibachi grill.  Davis again got another surprise as they brought him an ice cream for his birthday and sung to him in Japanese.

On Davis' actual birthday, I was out of town, so Magan had him another fun day planned.  He had a fun day at school with his birthday hat, then got to meet his cousins at Superior Grill for another birthday dinner.  And guess what?  yep, they all sung happy birthday to him.  Happy Birthday Davis...Big friend Dave.

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