Saturday, July 13, 2013

Little Trip to Dothan

What a trip!  Our fun little adventure to Dothan began with a long long drive.  Just south of Birmingham, Davis announced that he had to go to the bathroom.  And this announcement from Davis basically means that he is about to go to the bathroom now.  So I had to pull off on the edge of the Interstate to let him go.  This begins a long series of bladder issues that will continue well after this trip.  Davis:  You are the sweetest little boy, but you very difficult sometimes (Mr. Drama).  

At the second mention of needing to go to the bathroom, we pull to the side of the road only to find that in doing so, we have sliced the back rear tire.  So while Dave held his wee wee out the door to relieve himself, Dad starting changing the tire.  After changing the tire, we saw that the spare tire was flat, so another stop was added at the next exit to fill up the spare.  

So Magan's fun vacation with me at work began with her in the Sam's Club waiting area getting a tire fixed making sure Davis was always within 5 minutes of a bathroom.  Very stressful trip for Magan (Davis:  If you are reading this one day, go give your mom a big hug as I had to talk her into bringing you back with us).  Anyway, the boys did get to go to VBS at Honeysuckle Road, got to visit the Cudes, got to visit with church friends at the mall and ride the carousel, have supper with John/Shay/Katie/Mark, and the best was they got to go swimming.  

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