Saturday, July 27, 2013

Z O O - That spells Zoo

Both Magan and I got a chance on different days to take the kids to the zoo.  She went with some old friends from Dothan while I was at work, while I just took them on a cool overcast Saturday.  The kids loved the bubble area, so I knew I would need to take them back there.  Also Birmingham had a Dinosaur show which had several animatronic dinosaurs in the woods to see.  

When I went back with the kids, our first ride was the train, then we went to see the dinosaurs.  Belle just loved the "babies"...there were several little dinosaurs with a "mommy" dinosaur.  When we got to close to one of the "babies", I told her that we were too close, and the mommy would come chase us.  She told me "Dad, the dinosaurs are not real, they are robots".  Silly me.

With our wristbands (turning our free membership at the zoo into a $32 trip to the zoo), the kids were able to enjoy all the train, carousel, dinosaurs and bubbles they wanted.  So we rode the carousel a couple of times, then went straight for the bubbles.  And since we were the only ones there for awhile, they had the whole bubble pit to themselves, and it was FULL...So cute to watch them dive in the bubbles, swallow a mouthful, then come out to me gagging on mucus and bubbly saliva.  So gross...You can almost see the little virus' and bacteria in that fun little water play area.  :)

Before we left, we caught the new sea lion show, which is quite good from what it used to be.  The kids were laughing.  Then we made a trip to see the birds before we left.  Davis really wanted to hold a bird, which his momma will not do for him, so I grabbed a few and he got to hold them.  Sam and Belle were really just ready to go.  We did get to see a bird poop on a young girls head.  That was funny.

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