Saturday, October 19, 2013

Around the House (Summer turns to Fall)

Two scouts in the house now, watch out.  Our first adventure of the year was a Barons game before the start of the school year.  

Then it was time for School.  Sam in third grade and Davis in first grade.

This was our first time roller skating at a birthday party.  Sam made it around one time, and complaining of a broken wrist was done after that one trip.  Belle had fun, but it was mainly me holding her hand as we inched forward at a snail's pace.  Davis, man, I thought he was going to destroy his backside.  He crashed so many times, it was ridiculous.  But he would not stop, I bet he went around the rink 15 times.  He slowly got better, but he definitely has more patience with it than I would have.  And after skating, I bought Belle some bugles, so below that was her Witch fingers, which is basically all I can ever remember doing with bugles.  They are horrible, but I would want them just to make pointy fingers and then eat them.  They need to market these better during halloween.

Davis at a birthday party above, then Davis in his new turtle suit for halloween.  That guy has got some moves.

This was my birthday, and Magan bought me some Harry Potter Jelly beans that taste like really awful flavors.  I tasted grass, dirt, earthworm, earwax, booger, and finally with Davis, we tried vomit.  It was nasty and tasted like old cheese dipped in sour milk.  Davis started gagging and almost "barfed".  Too funny, perfect present for this ole Dad.

Above, Magan said that Belle would ride this horse side saddle (as the princesses do) singing her songs all day long.  And below is what lousy dads let their boys do to learn how to whittle with pocket knives...Use bar soap.  oh well, they liked it, and Sam showed me that he was responsible to have his pocket knife back (He had previously used his leatherman to pinch Davis resulting in a cut, bandaid, discipline and removal of knife).  So Sam gets his knife back, and THE NEXT DAY takes it to school.  Yeah, bad idea, and luckily all is good, but NO MORE pocketknifes for the rest of this year.  Sam, remember this when your boy saves his money to buy a leatherman in the third grade...tell him to just buy some legos.

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