Thursday, October 31, 2013


My little Hoonicorn, I love that little girl.  She is so cute, but informed me this weekend that it was a Unicorn dad.  I wanted to cry as I don't want her to grow up.  Ok before I get teared about about my cute girly with the curlies, let me get back to halloween.  This is usually the time for the whole family to dress up, but because of the addition of little Ruby, our October was just one of the most difficult months to make it through.  But for the kids, everything worked out just right, cause Ruby did not interrupt their Halloween plans.  

Our first Halloween outing was to the trunk or treat with the church friends.  It was a great time, and we collected a good deal of candy.  For Halloween night though, we had perfect weather and a wagon, and hundreds of houses for our picking.  We went to our normal neighborhood (houses squeezed close together are the perfect neighborhoods), and before we were finished had our baskets overflowing.  

Belle did not last long in the wagon, as she wanted to walk with the boys, she later allowed me to hold her pumpkin as it got heavy.  One house had some really cool windows, and the last picture shows a house that had some creepy spider stuff.  Sam and Davis jumped in for the picture, but Belle was scared to death of that house and was ready to leave.  So fun.

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