Friday, November 8, 2013

Disney on Ice

Aunt Miranda was nice enough to get us some tickets to Disney on Ice, and after visiting with Wyatt for a bit at the hospital, we made our way down to the BJCC.  Belle was in full Snow White gear and loved all the attention...she also loved seeing all of the other princesses (other little girls dressed up).  And since the tickets were free, we splurged and got the kids each one of the ice in a cup (This is the worst excuse for a desert ever made, and I know the kids do not like the taste, they just want the cup. Sam and Davis got a mickey cup, and Belle an Ariel cup).  Oh well, a good souvenir.  We had fun, and I loved hearing Belle's little squeels as each new princess came out onto the ice.  If you can't tell, all three of them were trying to get over some runny noses.  

And Rapunzel has taken the finale princess crown away from cinderella.  This is pretty big...I thought cinderella could not be taken down, but the long haired beauty seems to have pulled the little girl vote.  Belle's favorite though continues to be Aurora.  

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