Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fun with the Scouts

One of our first pack meetings of the year was a halloween pack meeting and yet another chance to get dressed up.  Davis was Raphael the ninja turtle, and Sam was in "ghoul" gear.  After announcing all of the boys costumes, Davis was awarded his bobcat badge.  He is working hard, and will soon have that Tiger badge.  I later got a shot of him and Sam competing in the sweep the baloon race.

Our next trip was a bear den visit to Vulcan.  We had a good time and learned about the iron ore, coal, and other materials important in the Birmingham area.  Sam's face cracks me up in the picture below, as him and Davis were pretending to scream on the top platform.  And it never ceases to get a laugh...Vulcan's bottom.


We also visited the Shelby county jail with both Davis (forgot my camera) and with Sam.  Both were similar tours, but this tour we got to watch the investigation officer show us how to pick up fingerprints.  Always fun for the kids, but even more fun for the dads I think.  We also learned that the K9 often is not smelling the person he is chasing, but actually tracing the disturbed pockets of scent from the natural scents in the grass.  Pretty cool!

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