Sunday, February 23, 2014

Davis Turns 7

Our friend Davis turned 7.  At school he got to make a poster showing all the things he likes...and you know his favorite...turtles and sea creatures.  What a big guy, and for his birthday, we finally made it to Chuck E Cheese.  He has been wanting to have a big birthday there for years.  But Chuck E Cheese on a Sunday, it was packed.  All the family was able to be there, and for Davis, that is key to Mr. Social bug...we wants to be around people.  He also got to bring his best friend Tyler.

Magan made way to much food as usual, and I complained as usual, and it ended up being perfect as usual, and I was wrong as usual.  Davis was just all smiles all day.  You get a crown with coins on it, would Dave wear it?  of course.  You get an inflatable guitar, would Dave love playing that?  Of course.  And we loved seeing Mrs Benet, and the boys never get to see her anymore.  He told me the other day that he hoped she would be able to make it because he was starting to forget what she looked like.

I just now asked him what his favorite part of the party was...."The ticket blaster".  One minute of ticket catching fun.  He ended up with over 1500 tickets...and after the dreaded prize selection, we finally made it out of Chuck E Cheese, and away from there for parties.  Although ask Belle where she wants to have her next Birthday party?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mercedes Marathon

Boo Yah.  We made it.  Sam and Davis ran the kids marathon.  Sam ran the last mile in 8:59, while Davis rand it in 9:26.  It would have made a good race if they were in the same pack running.  I made the half-marathon the next day at 2 hours and 13 minutes...with about a 10 minute pace.  Slow old man.  I'm glad these boys liked it.  Magan was going to take pictures at the finish, but then Belle had to go to the bathroom, and ... anyway we just paid for the marathon pictures.

Ms. Senior Cullman County

There she is....Ms. Senior Cullman County...MawMaw, we are so proud of you.  And proud of your stand against the bathing suit competition.  :)

Disclaimer:  Scott loves his grandmother, and wishes he could  have been here.  His jokes are only funny to him, and he has crazy urges to let this humor out during his blogs.  This comment was in no way an attempt to undermine the Grandmothers In Bathing Suits (GIBS) community, nor to disrupt any current Democratic support of this group.  

OK, I'm back.  Got rid of "mr. funny man".  We really wish you the best during this upcoming year and I am glad you are representing Cullman in this state.  All the best to my wonderfully sweet MawMaw.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

Dear me, I am so far behind on blogs, that I will never remember all the stories of these pictures.  But we did have a valentines day this year.  And Magan made the kids some heart shaped cookies.  We went to Mt. Fuji for our dinner that night as that was Magan's craving.  So...apparently you should get a reservation on Valentines if you want to go out to dinner that night.  And a table for six at a hibachi grill is not easy to come by.  So we went to the Mexican place, and no wait whatsoever.  I got the Senor burrito, and you really had to say mister to it...Huge, I could only eat half.  Belle got her new Ariel dress that really has a tail, and she swam through our house all day.  

It was a fun night...even with the disappointment at Mt. Fuji.  I did like the pretty new scarf that Magan wore, but you can't see it in the picture below.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fun with the Scouts

We got to go with Davis' Tiger 2 den to the Alabama/Auburn hockey game.  This was at the Pelham Skating Center...which is huge!  How have I have not known about this place.  Anyway, the kids got to go in the men's locker room before the game, and how do you think it smelled?

We also started on our PineWood Derby Cars.  Davis made the "CrossShark" as it had a fin like a shark, and a cross on the front.  Sam made the "Black Widow" and it was all black, and shaped pretty well.  I made the "Big Whale" that Belle helped me paint.  We were unable to go to the Derby as we were at Disneyworld that weekend, but Davis won 2nd Place in his den!  Sam did not win, but two guys in the bear den got 1st and 3rd in the pack...and we have some crazy dads that are way into this stuff.  As for the "Big Whale", I was told he lost every race of the "Akela" (leader) races.  And at one point a wheel fell off going down the track.  :)

Sam and Davis also participated well at the February den meeting where they got to tell about their favorite folk tales.  Sam picked Casey Jones, and Davis couldn't think of his favorite.  I try to give each of the boys an opportunity to get in front of the den to present something, and I think it is really helpful for Sam and Davis.