Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

Dear me, I am so far behind on blogs, that I will never remember all the stories of these pictures.  But we did have a valentines day this year.  And Magan made the kids some heart shaped cookies.  We went to Mt. Fuji for our dinner that night as that was Magan's craving.  So...apparently you should get a reservation on Valentines if you want to go out to dinner that night.  And a table for six at a hibachi grill is not easy to come by.  So we went to the Mexican place, and no wait whatsoever.  I got the Senor burrito, and you really had to say mister to it...Huge, I could only eat half.  Belle got her new Ariel dress that really has a tail, and she swam through our house all day.  

It was a fun night...even with the disappointment at Mt. Fuji.  I did like the pretty new scarf that Magan wore, but you can't see it in the picture below.  

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