Sunday, February 23, 2014

Davis Turns 7

Our friend Davis turned 7.  At school he got to make a poster showing all the things he likes...and you know his favorite...turtles and sea creatures.  What a big guy, and for his birthday, we finally made it to Chuck E Cheese.  He has been wanting to have a big birthday there for years.  But Chuck E Cheese on a Sunday, it was packed.  All the family was able to be there, and for Davis, that is key to Mr. Social bug...we wants to be around people.  He also got to bring his best friend Tyler.

Magan made way to much food as usual, and I complained as usual, and it ended up being perfect as usual, and I was wrong as usual.  Davis was just all smiles all day.  You get a crown with coins on it, would Dave wear it?  of course.  You get an inflatable guitar, would Dave love playing that?  Of course.  And we loved seeing Mrs Benet, and the boys never get to see her anymore.  He told me the other day that he hoped she would be able to make it because he was starting to forget what she looked like.

I just now asked him what his favorite part of the party was...."The ticket blaster".  One minute of ticket catching fun.  He ended up with over 1500 tickets...and after the dreaded prize selection, we finally made it out of Chuck E Cheese, and away from there for parties.  Although ask Belle where she wants to have her next Birthday party?

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