Saturday, May 17, 2014

Scout Campout at Oakmulgee

Me and the boys had another fun camping trip this weekend.  I missed our Fall campout, and the boys were looking forward to being in the tent.  Perfect weather this weekend.  It got a little cold the first night, but no rain, lots of sun.  Davis immediately hooked up with a buddy from his 1st grade class (Jaxon) and did not seem to go very far without his Jack Sparrow sword.  Our campsite was right on Lake Payne in the Oakmulgee area of the Talledega National Forest.  And this being the first time camping on a lake, we had the boys fishing gear, and a dad eager to learn.  

Sam took up the casting like a pro and was soon casting well farther than I thought he would be able to.   I did catch one funny picture shortly after Davis tried casting over his head without getting out of his seat.  He could not find where his hook went till he looked up in the tree above him.  I was cracking up at this.  My job basically all weekend (because the boys would NOT stop fishing) was to untangle lines and put new hooks on the line when they got stuck.

We were able to retire a very large flag that used to fly at Lee Branch shopping center.  Both Sam and Davis helped to both cut the stripes in preparation for retirement, and helped burn the remaining pieces.  It was a very good ceremony, and we had three veterans participate in the ceremony that saluted the flag as it was retired.  After that, it was time for smores and campfire skits and jokes.

Sam and Davis, with all of the other boys, claim to have seen an alligator in the water.  It was a one eyed alligator with a pink eye.  Huge tail that came up out of the water.  That was the tale they were telling, was it true?  Can't say for sure, but there were plenty of signs around the park stating that there WERE alligators in the lake.

Love this time with my boys.  And I love that they enjoy it so much.  They are always sad to leave the campsite, even as we drive away stinking like stank, they want to stay.  And I just want a shower.

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