Monday, August 4, 2014

One day at the Zoo...Last Day before School

Some days you wish could last forever, and this one was very special.  A last opportunity before the busyness of school, scouting, enjoy a day off from work with my buddies.  Magan had a session on this afternoon, but I liked just getting some time alone with my friends.  

Yep, I splurged on the nectar for the birds.  Davis was very excited to get the "Red Bird" in his cup.  Sam had two in his cup at one time, and he told me one landed on his hat.  Belle did not want any part of those birds.

We took a little rest with the Zoo's new baby bears, watched them feed the red pandas, then watched them feed the Lions.  As we left the lion area, Sam told me that the turtles were "fighting".  We all watched the turtles "fighting", and the kids were all excited to hear the turtles "UUUGHHHHH" "OOOOOOUGHHHH" as they were "fighting".  The kids continued to laugh about those funny turtle noises for the rest of the day.

So, the boys have been wanting to do the new zip lines at the zoo for awhile, and I couldn't wait to see their smiles while swinging through the trees.  On ground level, Belle was dancing around like a princess, and at one time just was completely gone!  YES...I starting looking up and down the path, finally found her back at the zip line entrance looking around.  Dear me.  The boys LOVED the zip lines, and if it wasn't the same cost as the actual zoo admission, they might get to do it more...

We at our picnic right outside the zoo.  The kids were very excited when I told them I had had picnics at that same place when I was in elementary school.  You see everyone got their own Cola...Yep, mighty good dad day.  We went back into the zoo after lunch to play in the splash pads...the only negative was that the FOAM ZONE was closed, but they looked like they had fun to me.

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