Sunday, November 30, 2014

Around The House

OK, so I have a couple of random stories, then a collection of random pics over the last month.  

From Lisa Ann @ church :  Yesterday at bible study, I gave the kids pictures to color of a map of the 12 tribes land. Belle (age 5) told me to put bubbles in the water. When I said for fun, "wonder why there are bubbles in the ocean".  Belle replies sweetly, "so the mermaids can breathe"

Overheard in Sam and Davis Discussion:
Sam:  We read about the Great Depression in school today
Davis:  Oh, Yeah, I know about that
Sam:  Dad, didn't MaMyrt live during the Great Depression?
Me:  Yes, she did.
Sam:  Wow, that was a long time ago.  
Davis:  Man, No wonder she is already dead.  

I often taste the Children's desserts with the explanation that I have to make sure there is no poison in it.  They fuss a bit, but hey I am the grantor of the candy, therefore am due a portion.  The other night, I asked Anabelle to go get me a Pepsi, and she brought it up from the basement.  I opened it and laid it on the table to get something else.  When I turned back she was taking a big gulp of my soda (The kids know that the Pepsi's are only for me).  I said "What do you think you are doing?" With her big pretty grin, she quickly said "It's ok Dad, it's not poisonous".  

Scratch on Belle's eye is from being stepped on by Andrew at church...all kids are still under lock down from this little incident.  :)

Always nice to have the three older ones sitting and playing together...without any nice.  And below is Ruby's favorite place in the whole house...the pantry.  

I hated to miss the Big Hero 6 movie, but I had to stay home and watch Ruby.  I am glad though that Magan and the kids got to enjoy the movie.  Sometimes as the dad, you just have to make sacrifices, and sometimes those sacrifices are difficult, but I am glad that Magan appreciates me when I had to miss out on a movie with the kids to let her and them have a more enjoyable day.  

Sam ate Green Beans!  Really, he did, and he liked them!  Two plates full.  I would not, could not, think I would ever see Green Beans in Sam.

There are some pictures somewhere of Davis flying through our hallway as Spiderman...chk, chk...clinging to the walls...and I think she was grinning just as big as him...She reminds me of him alot.

Thursday, November 27, 2014