Sunday, November 9, 2014

Date Weekend

Date Weekend in Florence, AL without the crawled into the bag I think.  Yep, we had a night away from 75% of our children, and got some sweet time with the baby girl.  I had things planned out to have an early meal in the rotating restuarant at our hotel, as I knew Ruby would not want to be out late...that was when I got the call from Mom, and the date night fun began..."So, have you checked your bags", Mom said, then I quickly scanned the possibilities of my recent decisions, and quickly came to realize that when I got the kids suitcase out in CULLMAN, AL...I probably should have checked to see if it was in fact the KIDS suitcase.  It was NOT the kids suitcase, as the kids suitcase was in my room in FLORENCE, AL.  Luckily I've got an awesome dad that would meet me half way in Moulton, and off I went to meet him to swap bags...I also had no idea really where I was, and the GPS seemed to also be having a breakdown, so I drove all over trying to get back to the road back to Culman...finally I made it back, switched suitcases, then hurried back to our dinner reservation which had been moved to 8:45!  Keep in mind babies sleep before 8:45.

The dinner was nice, restaurant was also great, and as I mentioned earlier rotated.  Given my new found vertigo symptoms, I don't think this will be a choice for me next time, but we did have a good dinner.  Magan also realized shortly after sitting down at our table, that she had lost her purse!  She laid it on the side of the table...the side that did not rotate.  I had to get up and walk three tables behind us to where her purse was lying where we left it as we went round and round.  :)  

Sunday morning we found a local congregation to worship with, and my brother was preaching there.  What a coincidence.  It was good to see Colby, Ben, and Luke that day...oh, and Melissa, she was there too.  :)  I liked joking with Luke about throwing his shoe to the birds.  He didn't like it at first, but then wanted to do it again.  Luke later amused Magan with his Gulden mustard packet action heroes.  

Our little girl was hidden so she could sleep while we watched a movie...hopefully she has no issues from being stuck in the bathroom so we could watch the new X-men movie ( to me and Magan...not to most people).  We ended our little 75% kids-free vacation with a trip to Helen Keller's birthplace.  Fun trip, but we are ready for that 100% trip to Nashville again.  Mom/Dad:  We are thinking May 2015...need a weekend.  :)

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