Friday, May 15, 2015

4th Grade comes to an end...

Sam is on the 2nd row.  Fourth from the left.  He told me tonight that he did not miss school in the least.  He made the A/B honor roll...I guess this is the first year they actually give grades...I don't know how these things work.  He also got in the top 10 with his friend Benton in the GRC Stockmarket game.  So he is available to assist with anyone's investment portfolio if needed...crazy thing is that he talks about stuff like that because of this stockmarket game. 

And I also had to include his letter to me inspired by a letter John F. Kennedy wrote to his father as a boy.  And it has worked out for both of us, based on his proposal, and some negotiating regarding additional work required, he upped his allowance by $2. 


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