Sunday, May 17, 2015

Spring Baseball

What a great season of baseball.  Glad it is over, but it was a really fun time to watch two boys grow so much on that ball field.  I watched both of the boys go from barely making contact, to both of them knocking it into the outfield...and both catching flyballs and throwing faster.  Makes a dad happy that they enjoy the game as much as I do. 
Sam's team was the Fall ball champions, but they struggled this Spring only winning about 3 games.  They were very limited on the pitching they had, even having one game getting beat 34-2 in the 2nd Inning...Hard to watch!  But Sam got his first homerun in the final game of the season (of course the only game Magan and I both missed...for Belle's graduation).  His coach told me he one-hopped it to the fence, and they were playing on the 11-12 year old field. 
Davis' team never won any game during Fall Ball, but they came together, and ended up third place in the league.  Winning most of their games in the bottom of the last inning, it was some very exciting baseball to watch.  Davis contributed many runs for the team, knocking two balls deep into the outfield.  He played catcher a lot, and ended up helping his team during a close game by catching a big pop fly. 
Belle, she just loved playing with all the sisters at the ball fields.  She wanted to be at every practice and every game.   She always had some friends.  Don't know if she is interested at all in the baseball tho.  Magan threw her a hairbrush the other day, expecting the normal reaction to reach hands out and catch...but Belle just watched it hit her belly.  Our princess Belle looked up at Magan with a mad look "Why did you do that?" 
And Ruby did well, as long as we could keep her in that stroller...after that, it was a little wild.

Sam was Number 4 and Davis was Number 1. 



Sam is getting to be a really good outfielder, but also played 2nd base in a couple of games. 

Davis' teacher Mrs. Brock even came to one of his games.  On this night, in the first inning, playing catcher, a ball was fouled back very hard right into the nuts...and no, the boys don't have protection.  Davis turned, gave me the thumbs up, then I saw the secondary pain up through the belly that comes from a direct testicle collision...and as his coach helped him to the dugout, and I was walking over to talk to him, Mrs Brock shows up.  "Oh, Davis just got hurt...but he will be happy to know you are here" I told her.  I went over to Dave, and could tell he was still in pain.  I said I completely understand, but told him Mrs. Brock was here to watch him play.  His face changed, the tears dried up, and he walked past me in that catcher gear, up to his coach, and said "I'm ready to play".  I ran back around in time to see him smile and wave at Mrs. Brock as he entered back into the game.  :)

Sam got the gameball after his homerun. 



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