Sunday, August 30, 2015

Scout Rocket Derby

Wow, I am way to far behind on these blogs, because I don't remember much from this day, but a lot of smiles as is usual on Rocket Derby day.  Davis named his rocket...The Death Rocket ("The Deth Rickit").  I believe though that Belle's flew the farthest of all of them.  The other leaders mistakenly allowed me to cover one of the launchpads, and after getting soaking wet with many misfires, then accidently jamming the Launchpad due to forgetting to get sand out of bottle Launchpad was closed for business.  And the Kona Ice truck was there, which is always good for after the derby.  

Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Few Days in August...

Just a few of my favorites over this last month...

This was the net area where Magan saw a little boy use the nets as his bathroom.

This is what  Belle's bed looks like after all the animals are thrown in...

I have never seen anyone as happy about 2 monkey bars as belle was on this day.  She said she got the courage from her friend Hope that told her to not look down. 

Lego across America came to the Galleria...

Friday, August 28, 2015

Barons (Club Level...Part 2)

And YES!!! I won them again, and this time, my first call was to granddaddy.  This time, I did not really win the tickets but my good friend Ray (My work Dad) was able to get them for me at work.  The boys were both excited to go to another game, but when we said Granddaddy was coming, "YES" they both said!
And again, never any luck with these free tickets.  The store was having a 50% off sale, so of course we had to get some shirts for Sam and Davis, and I had to get Ruby the little dog she wanted.  Belle had already gotten a new little frog earlier, so she missed out.  All had a great time, and around the 5th inning, Sam and Davis went to go play at the little ball park area.  And then shortly afterwards the RAIN came down hard.  So we thought 6 innings was enough.  It was already late, so we went all the way just outside the gate to our VIP parking (free with the tickets), took granddaddy back to his work, then headed home...with some girlies falling asleep before we made it back.  


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rocket Time (Scouts)

We started the Webelo II year earning our athlete padge, and then shooting off some Estes rockets.  We didn't have a large group, but everyone got to shoot off a rocket.  Lost one rocket onto the top of the Intermediate School building...tore up one rocket getting it down out of a tree...burned up one rockets parachute due to my improper assembly...and came home with the one rocket intact. 
We all then went to Burger King.  It was a really good start to what I hope will be a fun last year of cub scouts for these boys.  I have been moved up to Assistant Cubmaster, so we have a very busy year ahead of us.