Saturday, January 30, 2016

Down to Peavine Falls

So perhaps this is best blog to talk about the Disney trip that did not happen, as this was the weekend that we planned to go.  Scheduled to leave for Disney on Friday 1/29, we were packed and ready to go late that Thursday.  I sat down on the bed with Magan to see if we had gotten everything, when she said "I am not feeling very good". 

Earlier in the month, she had started going to the gym and started walking to help with her heart, and get into shape...but then the plantar fasciitis reared its ugly head, sending pains through her heel not allowing her to walk easily.  So she started with an oral steroid that did not work, but did give her heart some weird rhythms.  Then she got the shot in the foot to help relieve the pain on Wednesday.

So back to Thursday night..."I am not feeling very good".  And this was @ 10 PM, and by 11 PM, our neighbor was at the house to watch the kids, and Magan was on her way in the ambulance to Brookwood.  Her Atrial Fibrillation had acted up with her pulse jumping all around from 60 bpm to 190 bpm.  So we spent the night in the ER, still in A-fib, but doing a little better on the medicines.  

I went home to tell the children in the morning so they would not be worried, and instead of going to Disney, they got on the yellow bus.  They were all sweet and teared up when talking to their mom that morning.  Sam also considered the trip asking "How much will we be at with Disney?"  But after getting them on the bus, I did get our travel agent on the phone to see if she could help out. 

So long story short, Magan came out of Afib the next day around 2PM, our travel agent was able to get the full charge refunded, and we were home the next night to put the kids in bed!  What a day!  Well, this was just a trip to give mom some space at the house, and try and raise the spirits of some kiddies who were still hoping we would be able to go to Disney. 

We had a really fun time, and Sam and Davis were big into the whittling sticks.  Belle and Davis wanted to stay in that freezing cold water.  Sam made a cool little piece that allowed the water to flow through it.    Dad stepped into the water trying to keep Belle from falling.  We said a prayer for our mom down near the second waterfall area.  We love our mom, and looking forward to May when maybe mom will be feeling better to go with us.  

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