Saturday, February 13, 2016

Another Marathon Weekend

Mercedes Marathon weekend again.  We missed last year while we were up in Chattanooga with the scouts.  But everyone was excited for this weekend, just VERY cold, so mom and ruby did not join us.  Sam and Davis ran by themselves this time, and I got to run with Belle.  Sam was the first off, and he ran his mile in 8:05.  Davis went next and came in at 9:27.  They both then went into the boutwell auditorium to hang out while me and Belle waited for the last Kindergarten race of the morning...and it was very cold.  But Belle was able to find her good friend Sarah Grace, and they loved getting to run together.  I think the girls finished in about 12:30, but they ran a lot of the way, and did very good...giggling a lot during their breaks.  After the run, we had a fun quick trip to Mcwane before heading home...all medalist in this race.

I ran the next day.  Tried to stay with a 4:00 full marathon pace group, and hung with them for about 10 miles, then my body completely gave up.  So I ran the last 3 miles, barely walking at times, calve muscles spasming, but finishing slightly over my goal at 2:03:27.

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