Friday, June 10, 2016

Cub Scout Day Camp

Well this year was a little more busy, so we did not get to stay at the campsite all week at Oak Mountain during Cub Scout Day Camp.  Davis had a great time at his Webelos camp, and altho I didn't get to walk with him except for a little on Wednesday night and all day Friday, I had several tell me that he was being very good and respectful.  
I had that Friday off, so we got to Oak Mountain early, and me and the boys rode the 4 mile Lake Loop on our mountain bikes.  Davis is constantly wanting to take the lead, and seriously questions anyplace that I may be too old to try.   "You may not want to do this Dad, you are not as used to this BMX stuff".  "Let me go first Dad, I'll let you know if you shouldn't try it".  Sweetest kid, maybe he will at least visit me in the nursing home...which in his mind may be pretty soon. 
After the bike ride, Magan met us with the girls and we played in the lake for about an hour, then a great lunch at Cracker Barrel, and back to the park for Dave's last day of camp from 2 till 7:30 PM.  It was fun, but the highlight was the Rocket Derby, where Pack 353 is pretty strong.  We got to the drill field for the launches, and watched as several rockets flew into the air and some made it almost 3/4 the way across the field.  Then came the 353 rocket...the boys watched excitedly, then Boom, their rocket took off across the field over the berm and into the woods...the whole crowd erupted...none even came close to that rocket.  Our boys jumped for joy, high fives all around, lifted each other up on shoulders, and were announced as champions.   Great video shared on facebook.  Loved seeing Dave's smiles during that rocket launch, a wonderful end to scout camp.  

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