Saturday, June 4, 2016

Sam's Birthday Party with the Barons

So this was Sam's year to have a big birthday party, and he wanted to go to the Barons...but his birthday was right before our Disney trip, and things just didn't work out, so we delayed till ONE month after his birthday.  We let him invite Trae, Benton, and Brody...then all of our family.  It was a very cloudy day, and I was afraid all day that we were just going to be out all the birthday money if the game was rained out, but the clouds stayed back and everyone got to enjoy the game...until the 2nd Inning when the bottom dropped out.  Oh well, We did get cupcakes, and we all sang to Sam huddled close and dry at the 3rd base concession stand. Then family left, but me and the boys stayed on and I think they had a blast because they were about the only people left at the game after the rain.
Sam got a signed Baron's baseball by the whole team.  He also got a souvenir barons minibat, and with some of his Birthday money, purchased a Michael Jordan #45 Baron's jersey.  I don't think a boy could have been any happier than this night.  They announced his name in the 4th, and we watched up close the Taco, Ice Cream, Hot Dog, Chef race.  
Only other eventful thing was getting back to the car with all these boys already running late @ 10:00 PM, I asked if they got all the gloves, and Trae said he couldn't find I told the boys to just stay in the car, as I ran back to centerfield, and could not find the glove.  Already even later than I had told the boys parents I would have them home, I ran back to the car, where Trae said "Oh nevermind, the glove was right here".  At least the boys got a good laugh out of that...Apparently the other things that make 11 year olds laugh is the word "equality" and "shevagna (?? I can't remember what they were saying, but they thought it was funny). 

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