Saturday, September 30, 2017

Orr Park

So this was a fun evening at Montevallo.  We were scoping out photo areas for Magan, and have heard from many that we need to check out Orr park.  It was a really neat park, and there were carvings all over.  We did a full tour of the park, and the best part about this trip was watching Ruby and her baby.  She started at the first carving, turning and asking for a picture.  But after that, she went to EVERY ONE for a picture, and really wanted a picture with EVERY ONE.  I did not share them all, but she got her picture with EVERY ONE.  Anyway, there are a lot below, and she is pretty stinking cute in all of them.  We all had fun, then a nice supper at Cracker Barrel on our way home.  

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Shower for Emily

Don't know all the stories, as I was not at this girlie event...but as you can tell below, these flower girls loved loved loved helping their new Aunt Emily with all of her presents.  Magan told me that Anabelle was very excited to tell her all about the gifts they had met while at MawMaw's house...and that little Ru just sat with Emily the whole time...and saw the last pic on facebook, and thought that was a good one to show what Marcus was doing during this shower.  


Friday, September 8, 2017

Summertime...and the livin's easy...

Baby Olive came to see us...Kids got into making some slime...Crazy Hawaiian shirt boyzz picture was supposed to be with the zoo trip...Belle becomes an American Heritage girl, wonder if Magan will do the camping out with her...Sam is always building...Cousins all around make us happy...Baker family is like granny/granpa here in Chelsea, and we love them to death...Davis and Isaac raising the flag at school...Mrs. Jeanette and Mr. Flynn have a new squirrel they are raising...and when Ruby wakes up early and has no nap, sometimes you just fall asleep after your bath with the towel wrapped around you...