Saturday, September 2, 2017

Spacecamp - Day 2

Day 2 began with us learning about our Lunar Mission.  We were able to practice that morning to have the actual scenario later in the day.  Dave and I were mission specialist, and tasked with going outside the shuttle to build some random contraption (I am sure they gave it a fancy name, but I was just thinking...spacesuit spacesuit spacesuit).  Sam was in the International Space Station where he made some slime during an experiment.  Yuan was in mission control and just happened to have her camera out when Dave and I were smiling for the camera.  :) 

We also got to experience the low gravity moon walk where we bounce down first, then bounced sideways, then did our best roadrunner fast speed run in the air, ending with freestyle moon walks...Davis dabbed, I supermaned, and I think Sam pirouetted...
We also made parachutes to protect our astronaut (marble) and dropped ours from 2 flights up in the Habitat (our bunk area)...our astronaut survived.  We couldn't get Dave to ride spaceshot, but Sam and I rode it several times.   Our friend Gustavo set the records and rode it 14 times including one ride in every seat. 
Supersoaker would often explain rocket history to us while in the open areas of the museum, and one time as he described the Saturn rockets, the Top Gun theme music began, and he was telling the story with what seemed perfect timing with that song.  Sam and I told him about this, and he said that was basically his anthem, and while he did not hear it, he was pretty sure that subliminally it was making his speech more awesome.  It was really cool...and became OUR anthem for the remainder of the week. 
We did learn that eating at spacecamp was good, but also often...typically was at 8:30, 11, then at we were full during the day and craving snacks late at night.  We did complete our mission later that night.  Davis and I completing the contraption in full spacegear.  I would get the things started screwing them in, and as I "floated thru space" to get the next piece, he would make sure all was secure.  We finished just in time, and were able to join back to the shuttle and land back on Earth.  Sam stayed up in the ISS working on other experiments. 
Late at night, me and the boys found a great hangout on the patio outside the Davidson.  We would sit out and watch the...bats maybe, looked like bats to us...all around the outdoor shuttle.  Superfun way to wind down our day with some late night snacks. 



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