Friday, September 1, 2017

Spacecamp - Day 1

Yes, I had to take the boys in order for Magan to let me go.  But I am glad I was never allowed to go as a kid, because I wouldn't have wanted to have gone with anyone other than these guys for my first trip.  These guys were great friends, and all three of us had dreams come true.  Truly the best weekend ever with just my boys.  At check-in we went back and forth to the clothing area to get the best fit, and while a little pricey, it was a much better deal than the spacesuit.  And while the spacesuit is SUPER COOL, I would feel more awkward wearing it to Walmart, than all my cool new spacecamp shirts, pants, shorts, and hoodie. 
Our room was basically the dorm room for 7 kids during a space camp week, but us three just got to spread out a bit.  Both boys were on top bunks...nope, too old...I stayed on bottom.  Davis is definitely the more social of this rag tag group...repeatedly going up front in front of all to tell jokes.  Our group name was the "Dreamchasers", and we were led by Norvel Reid (Call Sign...Supersoaker...aka blackbeard)
So let me introduce you to the other Dreamchasers, altho probably pretty small in the group picture below...Starting from left to right, we had the Velardez family (Cesar, Sandra, Gustavo (14) and Gabriel (12)) from Brazil, then we had the Zhou family (Xian, Yuen, Alex (8)) from Vancouver via China, then Charles and Sadie Chandler (3 time space camp graduates) from Knoxville, TN, and lastly the Phillips family (Nick, Susan, Xavier (9), Phoenix (8)) from Melbourne, Australia.  So I guess we were the locals. 
First night was some introductions...some space history in the Davidson center...and our introduction to the cafeteria (Since me and the boys had somehow skipped lunch, we were starving)...where it was all you can eat really good food.  Then after a big meal, we had a late night astronomy lesson.  Any guesses on how long I lasted when the lights went out and ... I don't remember anything after that...probably talked about stars and shapes...Later me and the boys purchased some playing cards and began a nightly routine of playing cards before bed.  Cards were fun but seems to be endless laughter about poots and gas...and Davis always won...both at the card games and poots. 
At night the adults starting developing our team patch, and we were lucky that Cesar could draw for us...I'll take credit for using things the kids liked to build our patch.  I knew Cesar and I would hit it off when he said the main reason he always wanted to come to Spacecamp was because of the 1980s movie.  Instant friendship!  I always wanted to be Hideo Takamine pronounced Kevin Donaldson.  :)  And while me and the boys looked, we did not find JINX. 


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