Sunday, September 30, 2018

Our first days with Oreo

So...Usually my words, but I grabbed Magan's from Facebook for this post...

"I still can’t believe I said yes but we already love our first fur baby 🐈
Meet Oreo, it was a complete surprise to all of the kids and an unex"pected birthday gift for Dad (his real birthday is tomorrow).
Thank you Tracie Miller Oliver for blessing us with this precious little kitty ❤ "

And back to you can see from the kids smiles, they are pretty happy, and this cat continues to show up in various other pictures, so I guess we will make him part of our little group.  I'm glad they can have a pet...and I don't have much to put up with...convenient far. 
Davis was in shock in these first pictures...He kept saying...Mom is letting us keep it.  Sam was just as surprised, but he was much more quiet about it.  Haha...she seems to like it too.  


Having fun with AHG

Another year of fun, and Belle has her best bud Linley this year to join in all her adventures, so even more fun!  Magan was teaching the girls about Home Decorating, and the older AHG girls (Pioneers and Patriots) had one meeting where they taught Belles group sign language.  Me and the boys came in to tell them a little about flag etiquette and how to properly fold the flag.  Ruby is ready to begin next year.  

Saturday, September 29, 2018

An Alabama Game

So this was my actual birthday, and we had to be in Tuscaloosa by we left the house around 4:15AM.  Our scout troop has joined the Alabama parking crews and manning two gates on campus during each home game.  This game against Louisiana was an 11:00AM kickoff, so it was nice that we only had to work till 11:00AM, was very early to get there. 
So we found out that our barrier worked for most people except one parent that somehow fit past the barrier to pick up his kid.  Oh well, he didn't get in the way.  Other than moving the barrier periodically, we basically just sat and chatted with the Burson family that joined us at this gate.  Davis did not join us as he had a flag football game. 
Sam and I were both excited to see Tua play, but by the time we walked over to the stadium, Alabama was up by 28 and when we got to our seats Jalen Hurts was already playing.  Oh well, we had great seats that...ehhh...we were probably not supposed to be in, but they were in the shade, and well, that was enough for me.  We watched the game until the 3rd quarter, when Tua came back in for one series and TOUCHDOWN!  Pretty amazing team to we left in the end of the 3rd, their third string quarterback was throwing a 90 yard TD.  On the way back to the van, Sam and I figured we would catch some pictures...I had to get one with the Bear...Sam elected for the stadium and a robot buried near the art building. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Dad's Birthday

So another year older...knee hurting today...big fan of huddle house...about to fall asleep as I write this blog...Happy Birthday, Dad.  Magan got me a cookie cake...which is my favorite.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Few Pics of DC

In town only for two nights, but it is about the best city to tour around.  This time I hit the African American museum the first day, and it was amazing.  3 great floors of normal museum articles, then below ground was almost a whole museum in itself.  Pretty cool layout, really neat layout of exhibits of our history.  The next day I got to go see the Pentagon memorial on 9/11...which was neat as their was a bench for every American killed during that plane attack, including a bench for each person on the plane.  And each bench was decorated with a red rose. 
I then walked back to downtown...which did not look very far, but ended up being almost 3 miles back to my hotel.  Can't wait to bring the kids here again.  

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Around The House

Around the House is always difficult to remember the stories but here goes in random...Aaron family visiting from Arkansas...Stella's birthday party...Clothes pile again for consignment sale...Magan and Belle make pottery for cancer patients...Belle has some crazy loving faces for Mexican...Davis goes to Teen Night Out (Yeah, Sam would NEVER go to this)...Our first Chelsea football game ($50 for one quarter, then the rain came...and the end of our first Chelsea football game)...Christopher Robin...Daddy/Ruby day merged with Katie/Wyatt day...last picture of my office in Inverness.