Saturday, September 1, 2018

Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game: Auburn vs. Washington

Football is fun, but football with my dad and brothers is really fun.  Am I out of place in a Scout shirt with a Boston Red Sox hat?  Maybe, but those AU fans with their constant "War Eagle" greetings make it extremely weird for an introvert that would rather greetings be normal like "Hey" or maybe a just simple nod of "we are obviously here cheering for the same team as only weirdos would travel cross country to see their team get beaten by the SEC".  I just think that nod is sufficient. 
And I think I was the only one trying to get in pictures with all the characters...but this blog would be rather bland if just a bunch of football field pics.  Anyway, it was a great time with family.  Glad we could all do this together, as it has been awhile.  Also it was especially nice even being invited this time.  Usually I don't even get invited.  I missed the one picture of Dad holding hands skipping with Colby and John after the game...but then they remembered I was with them, and stopped their skipping so I could catch up. 
Really good game also with Auburn going ahead late in the 4th quarter and some good D holding washington back at the end.  We also got to see a 54 yard fieldgoal which is pretty amazing to see.  Cheap concessions at this stadium is the biggest thing I remember...$2 for a pretzel...WHAT?  and unlimited soda...WHAT?  

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