Sunday, September 30, 2018

Our first days with Oreo

So...Usually my words, but I grabbed Magan's from Facebook for this post...

"I still can’t believe I said yes but we already love our first fur baby 🐈
Meet Oreo, it was a complete surprise to all of the kids and an unex"pected birthday gift for Dad (his real birthday is tomorrow).
Thank you Tracie Miller Oliver for blessing us with this precious little kitty ❤ "

And back to you can see from the kids smiles, they are pretty happy, and this cat continues to show up in various other pictures, so I guess we will make him part of our little group.  I'm glad they can have a pet...and I don't have much to put up with...convenient far. 
Davis was in shock in these first pictures...He kept saying...Mom is letting us keep it.  Sam was just as surprised, but he was much more quiet about it.  Haha...she seems to like it too.  


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