Monday, September 30, 2019

Stepping Slowly thru September

So what did we do this September...yes, it was so hot, so there was even more swimming than usual this month.  I think the barbies below were clothed with parts from a old busted rubber ball.  The picture of Ruby and Anabelle below in their dresses cracks me up!  There was a picture right afterwards with nice smiling faces, but I wanted to show that this is not always the case. 
And the most infamous of all the pictures below is Davis school picture.  He knew his mom did not ever buy these pictures, so he decided to make a super goofy face, only then to realize when Magan showed him that this was going to be his yearbook picture...Then he didn't think it was very funny, but apparently about 300 of Magan's facebook friends thought it was very funny.  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dad Turns 40

I made it to 40, and glad to have my favorite people around me to celebrate.  Magan knows how much I love random days of celebration, but I was happy for my gifts, and even more from the letters I received.
"Happy Bird Day Dad!! Here's a joke for you...Forty's not that old...If you are a tree.  And one more...Don't be upset about your birthday, just think you're one year closer to getting the senior citizen discount!  Buurrrrnnn.  Now the burns are out of the way, Happin Burten Day.  I love you and hope you will live for at least 200 more years.  Love Davis, your favorite."
"Happy Birthday, hope this year will be the best...Love Anabelle"
I was described by some church friends as a "Magic Ninja Man", "A Kind Kid-Friendly Kramer", and a "Wonderful teacher, animated, funny, a great Dad".
"Happy B-day.  Your getting old.  I remember when I beat you last night.  I think of Ping Pong.  From Sam"
I remember "the way you used to make your way up to check outs as much as possible to see me at K-mart and the fact that you're still always looking for ways to spend more time together, not only with me, but with all 5 of us.  Love" Magan
"Hap Birthday py ... I <3 p="" ruby="" you...="">
"When I think of Dad, I think of the word Fun.  I know this is one of those common boring word.  But its real.  Because dad has got us some crazy things like a trip to Washington D.C, New York, or Boston.  Also places like St. Louis and Minnneapolis!  That's just the awesome trips, hes also gotten me a dirt bike and a hover board and more.  I love dad and hope he has at least 200 more years left.  Happy B-Day.  Love Davis"


Friday, September 27, 2019

Ratcliff Family Pictures

Perhaps there are stories in the pictures below, but I do not know them.  There are some familiar faces, but more that are not.  Magan's Aunt Grace had many of these pictures, and one of her family was nice enough to give us a copy.  I will just say one thing before I leave this should never get a personal portrait in overalls...looks like a weird farmer mugshot.