Sunday, September 15, 2019

SCUBA training

My buddy Davis has wanted to be a scuba diver since our first trip to the Space and Rocket Center, and he saw a scuba diver in the tank...I am sure that picture is somewhere in these blogs, but I could not find it.  Anyway, our friend from church, Mrs. Dawn, and Justin Clemons brought 5 tanks and all the required equipment up to Mrs. Jeanette's pool and we got our first experience scuba diving.  I wish I would have gotten pictures, but we all also jumped off the diving board in full scuba gear...pretty neat experience, and Davis did not want to leave.  He stood on his head in the deep end at one time.  And don't do the thumbs up underwater, that is not a good sign, you have to the OK signal as Davis is doing below...and I am pretty sure he was OK all day.  

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