Sunday, December 15, 2019

Youth Hike to Peavine Falls

I believe our first Youth activity of the year was cancelled due to some overlapping October events, but we had some perfect weather for a hike down to Peavine Falls.  I had packed us a picnic lunch to eat at the bottom of the falls, and we went right after services on Sunday.  It was a good turnout of 8 for the event, which worked out well as I only had one backpack for the food.  Sam had to be the bearer of the cooler bag, and Savannah was the bread bearer (of course I made overly exaggerations for the importance of these roles, because that is how I roll). 
The falls were coming down really well today.  Everyone was impressed and I heard that it reminded them of Mary Poppins as I pulled out juiceboxes, ham, turkey, cheese, Oatmeal Crème Pies, Pringles, and Go-Squeezes out of the backpack.  We even had some tortillas for the ones that didn't want bread.  It was a fun trip...I remember Lauren and Savannah fighting over a stick...Davis fell in the water trying to grab a football...and Robby Watkins has some crazy balancing skills walking across that log...

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