Sunday, October 8, 2023

A Family Visit to Tuscaloosa

Our first of what will probably be many trips to Tuscaloosa to visit with Sam.   We woke up early on Sunday to drive and be with Sam at the Northwood congregation.   It began with some excitement as I was pulled over by a cop on Hwy 36 just before you get to the BP on Hwy 11...I never slowed down when I saw the cop, because I don't speed.   But apparently, the limit dropped to 35 in this short span before you hit 11, and 50 is not fine in a 35.   Oh well, the officer was kind.   He saw that we were on our way to church, and letting him know we were going to Tuscaloosa was a 50/50, but he responded kindly to that as well, so off I went with a warning.   Sam and Davis acted like I was crazy for not knowing that was a speed trap.   They were having a young people weekend, where the students were leading most of the activities during worship.   Will Montgomery was providing the first lesson when we arrived.   Sam led one of the prayers.  And while not exactly a young person anymore, Seth Mauldin presented the lesson.   But one super old guy with a cane hobbled up to do the Lords Supper Thoughts...but he knew what all where thinking and immediately said "Yeah, I know, I don't know why they asked me to do this on this morning either".   

We got to meet all of the other electrical engineers at the church.   Met many many people with mutual friends and family across Alabama.   The elders spoke highly of Sam and his connection already to the congregation.   It is a pleasing thought to recognize that he is on his own, and still making the right decisions in his service to God.  It was also a chance to see Davis, who had come over to Tuscaloosa to hang out with Sam for the weekend.  

After church, we first tried a BBQ place, but it was closed, then we went onto campus for one of the most amazing gyros (I will forever say this differently every time I say it) at Glorybound.   I can't remember the one I ordered, but I think we all ordered something different, and everyone was amazed at how great our lunch was here.   We parked at the Publix near where Sam's gameday job is, and walked down to this restaurant.   

Brendan seems to be one of Sam's better friends.   He is currently teaching in the area, and working on a masters at UA.   And he gave Davis a bag full of old clothes, so now Davis is always wearing a Southern Miss or Universal Studios shirt.   Apparently that was the shirts to get for Brendan.  Back at our vehicles we were not ready to leave Sam, so we made another stop at the Ferguson Center for some frostees at Wendy's.   I will never forget the difficulty it was in trying to find a college home for Sam, but through some amazing providence, I can't think of him being anywhere else.   He is immediate smiles when talking about his school, his campus, his friends, his church...and it was a wonderful Sunday where we got to see all of those things.   


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