Monday, October 2, 2023

Ruby turns double digits

 From Magan's Facebook Post: Last Friday Sam came home for one night so we could celebrate Scott and Ruby’s b-day as a family. Ruby got to celebrate pretty much all week. Monday we had a cookie cake with Dad on FaceTime and I went and had lunch with her at school. She got spoiled by her phototherapy nursing staff and the Dunkin Donut staff across the street. Lastly, we had a little slip and slide party (in October), with her sweet little friends! The hardest part of party planning is narrowing down to only 4 girls. Sunset was the theme, (Ruby is always taking pics of sunsets), so it was the perfect theme.

As it seems happens every year on her birthday or around my birthday, I was traveling in GA, but I was able to celebrate via facetime with her. I got to sing with everyone, and watch her open her presents, and look at the crazy Dolly Parton balloons that Magan got for some reason. She loves practicing all of her cheers, reading babysitters club comic books, and has got to be one of the best gift receivers ever. Each gift response is so exciting, I just struggle with that when I constantly find a bag full of belts to try on.

10 Years baby girl. You give the best hugs when I come home from GA...It is almost worth leaving just to get the return hugs. I keep being afraid of that day you stop asking me to tuck you in. I look forward to every morning to wait with you on the step for the bus. And those special days where my vitamins are stuck together, we both smile, cause we know that is us...two buddies stuck together. Love you Anabelle...I mean Ruby Lou.

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