Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

This was our second year to take the boys to the “Boo at the Zoo”, we really enjoy going to the zoo, and this was a fun trip where we could dress the boys up. Sam went as Buzz Lightyear, and Davis as Nemo.
Sam loves the zoo and was immediately excited when we got there. They had several booths where you could go up and get candy. Sam was so big going up to the tables where several much bigger kids were and saying “Chickacheet”. The first booth had a pirate that Sam was not to sure of, he would not even look at the guy.

Davis was the only Nemo there and got a lot of attention, cause he is so cute and he’s got them big ole cheeks. We got to pet the snake, lizard, fox, and barn animals and had a good time.
Sam walked ahead of us to see the snake building, and kept looking for the turtles that are usually right outside. But then he turned to us and said “Turtle Night Night mama dada Turtle Night Night mama dada”

And we also had a fun trunk or treat with our Church family that Sunday night. I dressed up as Woody, and Magan was Bo Peep. Sam saw me dressed up and got a big smile as he ran out to see me. He immediately wanted my gun then we chased down Zurg and defeated him mightily.
We had a good time, and Marcus has now started Dating Brooke. We don’t know how things are going to work out, but my prediction is a wedding in 2009. They are cute together, and it makes me remember all the fun first times with Magan. Magan is getting more and more beautiful every day, and she is the greatest mother/wife/friend I could have ever asked for.

Sam is pee pee ing in the potty and getting stickers now.
Davis is eating anything you put in front of him.
I love bathtime with the boys. Mom lets me handle them most nights, so I look forward to trying to make them laugh.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our New Home...Visit from Tanya and Joe

I thought you might want to see some pictures of our new house in b'ham.  One of my favorite parts is the kitchen and I don't have a very good picture of it.  I took some pictures with my realtor's camera and she is suppose to e-mail them soon, so I will pass them on.  The house just felt like home when we walked in, warm and comfortable.  We can't wait to spend more time with you guys!  We love you! Magan

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Baseball

Posted by Scott
Baron's Fan Appreciation Day - August 2007The boys got to go to their first baseball game, and they liked it. We got them free jerseys (Fan Appreciation Day) and they even caught a ball(little foam one they threw out from the press boxes). As you can see from the pic, Sam loved the ball. And I think we made it all the way to the 3rd inning before leaving. Yep, that is about all we can handle.We did get to see a foul ball shatter a light and cause a scout section scramble to get out of the way as pieces of glass fell all around them.And one more quick thing about the ball that Sam liked so much, He carried it everywhere, but on a cold dark day at the pediatricians,Magan opened the van door and it fell out. And as Magan chased after it, it won the race to the gutter and was gone in a search to find its way back to a diamond somewhere.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Day trip to Noccalula

My first Friday off day in quite a while (Outage for Hatch, then an outage for Farley), so we were quite excited to get away for a while. Or maybe it was just me, and we had also just purchased our first mini-van. We are so cool. We bought a Honda Odyssey from Jasper where we found all sorts of deals and had to buy.
So our first test drive was to go to Noccalulu Falls in Gadsden, AL. I had been there once as a kid, but Magan had never been. The drive was nice, with Sam now doing several screaming episodes (mostly just playing, but it was rather annoying at times). And Magan and I both can’t seem to stop laughing at his crazy personality, and it great aim as he frequently throws his juice cup at the front console.
But we arrived, and let the kids sleep as we ate some fast-food. We then went into the park and enjoyed seeing a deer up close and some ducks and turkeys. We then got on the train for a ride around the park.
Davis had a blast, we don’t know if it was the train whistle or the wind blowing in his face, but he was smiling the whole time. He is really sweet and cute and I can’t wait to get to know him like we know little Sam. Sam is at a stage where he is scared of a lot of things, and the train was one of them.
But after the train we made our way towards the falls, enjoying the covered bridge, the “fat-man’s squeeze”, and Sam and I climbing out of the many rock formations.
Sam and I then took the stairs and trail to the bottom of the falls, where we found a nice place to sit at the water. We had a friend duck waddle near us and sleep on a neighboring rock. I sat with Sam enjoying the moment, remembering crossing these same rocks with my Dad. I love being a dad, I love seeing Sam smile up at me. He is my little friend that makes me so happy. I know their have been so many moments that I have had with just little Sam in my lap, but this is another one that almost makes me tear up. We threw some rocks in the water, and talked to the duck for awhile. Nothing special about this time we had together, but it was definitely one of those moments you could stop time forever and enjoy.
But…we had to make the trip back up, and after several breaks for an older out of shape Scott, I made it back. And Magan caught that on video for all who would like to watch. I was sincerely out of breath, and my legs were shaky. Oh well, that beautiful lady at the top still loved me, and Davis was happy to see us back.
A trip to the playground, a trip to the falls to feed the ducks, and a rest in the middle of the park on a swing was all we needed before we left. Magan and I began reminiscing of our honeymoon in Bellingrath on a similar swing. I love her so much, and our two boys are so great. We left the park and went to Top O’ the River before going home. The food was good; just don’t ever eat any pickled onions…as Sam would say Shooo.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Hectic Mother's Day Morning

This day began unlike most others. Sam slept in late, which was very rare, but Magan thought it was his gift to her on her third Mother’s day morning. Church began at 10, so we all slept in, enjoying the peace and quiet. After waking, and taking my shower, I began to cook breakfast for everyone. I decided homemade French toast would be very good.
With a little directions from my mother, I make 6 french toast using some of the fresh eggs we had received the previous night from our chicken growing, arsenal keeping, peacock raising, church friends Rob and Pam Britt. Magan enjoyed her breakfast, and as time starting running out for us to get to church, I began to take over duties of getting the boys ready.
I fed Sam, and dressed him. Then I dressed Davis. Feeling very rushed because I like to get to Church early to pass out the bulletins with Sam, I began calling Magan to hurry up. With both children in the car, and fairly proud of myself (with the sweat running down my forehead to show for it) I went back to the door to let Magan know everybody else was ready.
Thus began the trip to church, a little late, and becoming later as Magan asked me a few questions. Where was the baby’s blanket? I forgot. Where was the baby’s pacifier? I forgot. Did you wash Sam’s face after breakfast? I forgot. So Sam and I made it to church on time, but Magan went back home to clean up my mess. Magan made it back in time for the Lord’s Supper, then silently giggled as she Sat down. I had put Davis’ shirt on backwards as well. Oh well, what a morning. Oh yeah, I also lost Sam’s blue at nanny’s house later that day.
But Magan and I talked all the way to Cullman about our life together, and our love for one another. She is my best friend, and even tho I forgot also her card and any present, she still loved me. And that is very important.