Tuesday, April 22, 2008

He CAN Crawl!

We were beginning to wonder whether or not Davis was going to skip crawling all together and be a Roley poly instead. HE JUST DID IT TODAY! You all probably know how much that baby loves to eat, well it took a little cheese to inspire him to muster up the strength. Sam put him a piece down on the floor and I filmed him crawling from Sam's bedroom all the way to the kitchen table. Then we tried to carry the fun into the living room, but as soon as he got onto our rug, he dropped and started to pull himself on his belly again. Hey, we're o.k. with taking baby steps. :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Potty Ups and Downs

We have a potty chart that Sam gets to add a sticker to each time he goes to the potty. This time when the chart is filled he gets to get a Star Wars Rocket Ship. In the past we filled 3 charts in about 2 months. We have been working to fill one chart for about 4 months b/c Sam had lost interest when he saw how many spaces he had to fill. So he has been getting a sticker here and there, and we were feeling a little defeated as parents trying to potty train. Last night we noticed that he only had 3 more spaces to fill for his rocket ship! He had a renewed interest and he went "tee tee" 2 times and "poo poo" once all this morning!!!!! I was thrilled seeing the possible end to buying a second box of diapers for my two year old. The bad news is that as soon as he got his last sticker, we jumped and cheered, then he ran straight to his room and grabbed a diaper to put on. This goes to show they CAN do it when they WANT to. I am not going to push him too hard just yet. I think I may try a smaller potty chart to get him interested again and see what happens.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Love and War

Just a quick story from this morning. Sam and Davis were both playing in the living room, Sam with his tools and Davis with his choo choos (which is what he calls them). A few minutes after I had checked on them I heard Davis start screaming so I ran in to see Sam squeezing his ear with his pliers. It wasn't very hard to keep Davis still since he doesn't do much more than roll on the floor and walk around furniture.
Soon after that event I put Daivs down for a nap. He sometimes cries for a few minutes as he settles in for his nap. Sam walked through and heard Davis on the monitor crying and I heard him go over and kiss the monitor to help his brother feel better.
So I guess all of that to say every moment is new and holds the potential for love and happiness.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sam to the Rescue!

This morning I was cooking something that required I crush my pretzels. Well, Davis was asleep so I left Sam in the kitchen eating breakfast and went to my room to pound on the pretzels (since it is the room farthest from Davis' room). A few seconds after I started pounding I heard Sam running to my room and when I looked to see him he was standing in the doorway in full battle stance with his lightsaber, ready to protect mom from whatever was making that sound. The look on his face was fear, but he was ready for battle. I still have to chuckle writing this and remembering that little face. I also get teared up a little knowing that he would run in to help mom even when he was scared.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sometimes the Puke Just Has To Wait

Wow! Things just got a little crazy around here. The boys and I went out to run errands this morning and got home just in time for naps. I put both boys down at the same time, only to hear Davis wake up about 30min. later. This is unusual b/c he usually sleeps 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. for his nap. I got him up and let him play planning to put him back down in a few hours. After playing for about 30 min. the phone rang and it was Scott telling us to watch the weather b/c some storms were blowing through. Before I hung up the phone Davis began puking more than he ever has and I am panicking (I think he just ate to much at lunch). I hang up the phone and took his clothes off and held him on my chestto sooth him. Then I called my mom. Mind you the puke is still on the floor. As I am asking advice on what to do for Davis and Scott beeps in to check on Daivis. I get off the phone with both parties and find that Davis has fallen asleep on my chest. I went and laid him in bed. Still I haven't turned on the weather. I get the cleaning supplies for the puke and then Scott calls yet again to let me know that he is having to be relocated to a middle room for safety. I drop everything and I grab a candle with matches and wake both of my sleeping babies to go down to the basement for safety. As soon as I close the door to our safest room, the phone rings. This time it is Jeanette Gerald from church and she is wondering whether or not services have been cancelled. Thru discussion and a few more calls we decide that they are and that I need to help call the congregation to let them know. Remember the floor has not been cleaned and Davis is crying b/c he just wants to go to bed. Finally, Scott calls and lets me know that he is headed home before the second batch of storms come thru and I head up to put Davis in bed and to finally clean the rug.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Not in the Job Description

Circa February '08

At the Brookwood Mall, I was able to give Magan a break and walk the boys around so she could have some time to shop alone. I enjoy these times with the boys, because we get to enjoy the stores I like together (Toys and Books). But on this particular occasion, Sam and Davis were working together to see just how good ole Dad was today. Almost immediately after Magan had left me…alone…I realized that both of my dear children had soiled their diapers. But that is OK, I was ready, the diaper bag was fully stuffed with the required items, and I made my way to the family bathroom near the food court that I had spotted a few months back.

After banging the stroller thru the bathroom door that I held open for myself, I locked us in the restroom to begin the procedure. The koala bear table folded down nicely and felt secure, so I unfastened Davis and placed him upon the table. I like to be fully prepared so I carefully laid out my replacement diaper, wipees, and of course Beaudrouxs Butt Paste. The process began rather nicely as I cleaned Davis off, but then I heard the toilet flush behind me, and turned to see Sam pressing the button. This was OK until he thought he would start playing with the lid. AGHHH, Yuk…after convincing him that that was gross and he shouldn’t do that, I began placing the new diaper on Davis. The diaper is almost second nature to me by now, but the application of the Butt Paste can be tricky, especially when you are at the very last bit, and must use a two handed squeeze technique to get any out.

When finally I was able to get some out onto my forefinger for proper application, I heard the faucet come on very loudly, and as I turned to see Sam stretching to wash his hands, Davis kicked his little feet and knocked my little glob of Beauxdrouxs onto the floor. As my perspiration began kicking in overdrive, I was finally able to manage one last glob, slap that diaper on Davis and fasten him in. I then quickly changed Sam, washed his hands several times, and attempted to blow dry the wet spots on his shirt from the earlier faucet spray.

There was a certain amount of pride I felt that day as I left the bathroom, banging the stroller several times on the way out. It was not very efficient, not very clean, but I did get the job done, and I felt the stares as I left that family restroom, and I knew what they were thinking…There goes a Super Dad.