Friday, April 4, 2008

Sometimes the Puke Just Has To Wait

Wow! Things just got a little crazy around here. The boys and I went out to run errands this morning and got home just in time for naps. I put both boys down at the same time, only to hear Davis wake up about 30min. later. This is unusual b/c he usually sleeps 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. for his nap. I got him up and let him play planning to put him back down in a few hours. After playing for about 30 min. the phone rang and it was Scott telling us to watch the weather b/c some storms were blowing through. Before I hung up the phone Davis began puking more than he ever has and I am panicking (I think he just ate to much at lunch). I hang up the phone and took his clothes off and held him on my chestto sooth him. Then I called my mom. Mind you the puke is still on the floor. As I am asking advice on what to do for Davis and Scott beeps in to check on Daivis. I get off the phone with both parties and find that Davis has fallen asleep on my chest. I went and laid him in bed. Still I haven't turned on the weather. I get the cleaning supplies for the puke and then Scott calls yet again to let me know that he is having to be relocated to a middle room for safety. I drop everything and I grab a candle with matches and wake both of my sleeping babies to go down to the basement for safety. As soon as I close the door to our safest room, the phone rings. This time it is Jeanette Gerald from church and she is wondering whether or not services have been cancelled. Thru discussion and a few more calls we decide that they are and that I need to help call the congregation to let them know. Remember the floor has not been cleaned and Davis is crying b/c he just wants to go to bed. Finally, Scott calls and lets me know that he is headed home before the second batch of storms come thru and I head up to put Davis in bed and to finally clean the rug.


Cude said...

Ummm, if you could refer to it as "vomit" that'd be greeeat. Kidding :-). Just thought I'd let ya know you're not alone, my boys from time just throw up for no apparent reason (except we figured out Briggs is allergic to green food coloring). Anyway, yeah, they throw up and then go on about their business like it's no big deal. I guess they can do that since they're not the ones cleaning it up.

Anonymous said...

Girl, I can truly relate! Ethan had his tonsils and adnoids out along with tubes in his ears on Tuesday the 25th and that afternoon began puking everywhere. What we thought was a reaction ended up being the rotovirus. Only to find out better news was that Jamie and I would get it also only in adults its entitled the stomach flu!!! So...imagine puke x3 with a little boy who just had surgery, not fun. We are all about back to normal, Ethan still doesn't feel the greatest but the doc said he can go back to preschool this week so maybe he'll get back in his routine and so will I. Spring break is only a week away so the end of school is insight!!! Miss you guys! Jocelyn

Angie said...

haha! I had to wake Madden up from her nap too when the sirens started going off.