This morning we had a great time enjoying a little sunshine and a soft breeze. While outside Sam found a caterpillar. He played with that poor thing until I thought it would die from exhaustion. He put him on his army man truck, that was a $3 find on clearance yesterday at Wal-mart.
I told him to leave the poor thing alone and let it play on his truck. ABout 5 min later Sam had the truck in the air shaking it saying, "Det it out, I want it out"
I looked and the scared little caterpillar had climbed into the one small hole on the top of the truck. At first glance I thought he had squished it trying to "det it out"
I finally poked the right way and it came running out. I am glad to say, I think it finally got away without to many injuries. : )
The boys were swinging and I looked down to see both of them almost asleep staring at the ground.
We came up for lunch and had mini corndogs for lunch. I cut them up for the boys to eat and Sam was taking all of the bread off for fun. He started giggling and said "Look mom, a wee wee, ssssssppppp" that last part was the sound of it tee teeing : )
I had to turn my head and laugh, it was so innocent and so funny!