Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little Minds

This morning we had a great time enjoying a little sunshine and a soft breeze. While outside Sam found a caterpillar. He played with that poor thing until I thought it would die from exhaustion. He put him on his army man truck, that was a $3 find on clearance yesterday at Wal-mart.
I told him to leave the poor thing alone and let it play on his truck. ABout 5 min later Sam had the truck in the air shaking it saying, "Det it out, I want it out"
I looked and the scared little caterpillar had climbed into the one small hole on the top of the truck. At first glance I thought he had squished it trying to "det it out"

I finally poked the right way and it came running out. I am glad to say, I think it finally got away without to many injuries. : )
The boys were swinging and I looked down to see both of them almost asleep staring at the ground.
We came up for lunch and had mini corndogs for lunch. I cut them up for the boys to eat and Sam was taking all of the bread off for fun. He started giggling and said "Look mom, a wee wee, ssssssppppp" that last part was the sound of it tee teeing : )
I had to turn my head and laugh, it was so innocent and so funny!

Coupons and Deals!

Courtney I thought of you first when my friend e-mailed this to me. It is a link to a blog that posts some of the best deals of the week.
I bookmarked it to check each week for myself : )
Hope you find some good buys!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fun Trip to the Zoo

Saturday Morning we decided it would be a fun day to visit the zoo, so off we went. We showed up late for the sea lion show, but did get to hear them barking after the show and went and watched them swim around for awhile. Davis said "There so cute"...a phrase Magan has now influenced all of us boys in the house saying much more than we care to admit. :)
We then went to see the Lorikeets and we had the best time trying to catch and pet these birds. Sam and Davis have the cheap dad that does not like to spend the buck fifty for nectar to feed the birds, so it takes a little while longer to get the birds to come to ya. I hope the video turns out OK, because Sam and Davis were both "so cute" trying to hold the birds. In the end, both Sam and Davis got to hold the birds for a little bit on their hands. They repeated a hundred times "Get it Dad"..."[I want to] hold it dada"..."Here Birdie".
We then went on to Sam's favorite animal to see...the Rhinoceros. Sam informed us several times that we were mistakenly refering to it as a Rhino. IT IS CALLED A Rhinoceros. The Bham zoo also has two new white Rhinos where the Elephant used to be. They were neat to see but not very active. Our old pal, the black rhino was up and walking around...and as we have come to expect, gave us multiple demonstrations of watering the grass, rocks and fence. This sprayful demonstration always makes us laugh, even me and Mom start giggling with the boys. I don't know where the fascination with the rhinos came from...I am just glad Sam was not scarred from the San Diego Rhino. I know Tanya and Joe probably remember what I am refering to... :)
Well that was about all for our trip. We made a quick run through the monkey house...but it was lunch time and we needed some BBQ.

Stories From Granny

Below are a few stories Granny sent to me and I wanted to post. I did not have any pics from their visit to Granny's, but did find some funny ones with them wearing stuff Granny and Granddaddy brought back from Hawaii:

Sam wanted a green race car from Walmart. It was after supper and we were heading home from West Point. Sam said we could go and be real fast!! Granddaddy and Granny and Sam could go in Walmart real fast and leave Davis in the car. Granddaddy asked him what we would do if we cann't find a baby green race car at Walmart. Sam said we could just go to another Walmart. Granddaddy told Sam we only have one Walmart. Sam said, "You only have one Walmart?!? Sam has three Walmarts at his house."

*Sam did later get this race car spending the dollar given to him from Grandaddy’s boss Chuck. He wanted a Chick Hicks car from the movie Cars. He likes it because it is the mean one. Still trying to figure out if this was a good choice or not. Scott.

After Sam’s bath, he was told that he needed to brush his teeth and put on his medicine. I got some of vapor rub on my fingers and asked him where do put it. He pointed to his neck. After I rubbed it on his neck and chest he said that's enough Granny. He then went into the living room and told his Granddaddy to put his drink right here and his food and leave the T.V. on. His preparation for the morning.

It was also sweet hearing Davis call for me during the night. After I took him from his bed I laid down with him in the guest room and he snuggled up so close to sleep. He popped up once to give my face and rub and ran his hand through my hair then wiggled down right next to me again and we both went to sleep.

Me and Daddy had the time of our lives, laughing so hard at the little things they said and did. We look forward to your next date night!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Just now finishing this post that I started about 2 months ago, where does the time go?!?!
The first set of pictures are of the boys and their dollar tree dinos that dad brought home for them after his long trip.
The flowers are of course for me : )
Aren't they gorgeous, I have been dying to try out that vase that mom got for me and I liked the way they looked in it.
In one of the pictures Davis is feeding one of those dinos he had actually put a bite of food in its' mouth and then pushed the mouth up and down to chew it. So cute but kind of gross!

The second group of pictures are of the gifts that the boys got from Granny and Grandaddy's trip to Hawaii! Now I know what you are thinking, Coconuts, Pineapples, grass skirts, but no we're talking gloves and mittens : )
Apparently these things aren't a top seller in Hawaii (go figure)and they found them at a Great price. Well, Hawaii or not, the boys LOVED them. Sam carried his around for a few days in the orange cooler bag he also got from them. As we pulled up to the church building on Sunday and openned the van door, on a 70 degree sunny day, Sam said "Ooooo, that's cold, better wear my hat and dloves"
SO he wore them into church and as soon as we said Amen to go home, he had them on again : )