Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fun Trip to the Zoo

Saturday Morning we decided it would be a fun day to visit the zoo, so off we went. We showed up late for the sea lion show, but did get to hear them barking after the show and went and watched them swim around for awhile. Davis said "There so cute"...a phrase Magan has now influenced all of us boys in the house saying much more than we care to admit. :)
We then went to see the Lorikeets and we had the best time trying to catch and pet these birds. Sam and Davis have the cheap dad that does not like to spend the buck fifty for nectar to feed the birds, so it takes a little while longer to get the birds to come to ya. I hope the video turns out OK, because Sam and Davis were both "so cute" trying to hold the birds. In the end, both Sam and Davis got to hold the birds for a little bit on their hands. They repeated a hundred times "Get it Dad"..."[I want to] hold it dada"..."Here Birdie".
We then went on to Sam's favorite animal to see...the Rhinoceros. Sam informed us several times that we were mistakenly refering to it as a Rhino. IT IS CALLED A Rhinoceros. The Bham zoo also has two new white Rhinos where the Elephant used to be. They were neat to see but not very active. Our old pal, the black rhino was up and walking around...and as we have come to expect, gave us multiple demonstrations of watering the grass, rocks and fence. This sprayful demonstration always makes us laugh, even me and Mom start giggling with the boys. I don't know where the fascination with the rhinos came from...I am just glad Sam was not scarred from the San Diego Rhino. I know Tanya and Joe probably remember what I am refering to... :)
Well that was about all for our trip. We made a quick run through the monkey house...but it was lunch time and we needed some BBQ.

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