The other day, Davis and I were playing in the floor, and I began acting like I was sleeping by pretend snoring very loudly. Davis thought this was funny, and began chuckling, then he said “Grand Daddy”, and I finally realized why it was SO funny to him.
Yep, the boys thought it was pretty funny that Vulcan forgot his pants.
Davis thought "this guy" was neat. 
Sam thought it was funny to sit on Vulcan's toe.
I don’t know what it is, but I really like flying kites, and both Sam and Davis both enjoy it as well. We had a Marvel comic kite that we flew for a long time together before it finally broke during a large gust of wind. Well, I recently bought both Sam and Davis their own and Sam found out that he could fly it without having wind. He was sooooo excited to show me how he could fly it “all by myself”. Letting out a small amount of string, he began running around and around in circles, with the kite soaring behind him. It was so sweet watching him because he was smiling the whole time and could not stop turning back as he ran to watch the kite flying in the air. Well, since Sam had the hang of it, I looked over at Davis to help him with his kite. About that time, I heard a large THUD, and turned to see Sam lying next to my Car that was parked in the driveway. Wanting to laugh because I knew what had happened, but concerned because of the large THUD of Sam running his kite right into my car, I asked if he was OK. Sam gave me that big grin of his, and then said “I bonked my head flying my kite”, then we both started laughing…and laughing and laughing.
A couple of weeks back I had the boys all to myself, as Magan was shopping down in Auburn. We decided to make a whirlwind trip of the McWane Center and the Zoo in one day. We quickly found out that half of the Jefferson County schools were taking a field trip at the McWane Center, and the other half were at the zoo.
So after a brief visit to these crowded places, we visited Granddaddy at his work. The boys loved this because he bought them some skittles. He then suggested we visit the Vulcan…so off we went.
We had a fun time there, but I was not ready to pay for the museum and ride to the top of the Vulcan if the boys were scared. Unlucky for me, they were not scared, and wanted to ride the elevator up. I am afraid of heights, but am willing to try things so hopefully Sam and Davis will not develop the same amount of fear I have. We made it to the top and Sam was just walking around like it was nothing. YOU COULD SEE THROUGH THE GRATING all the way to the GROUND!! My toes were curled, legs shakey, and butt cheeks clinched as I walked the boys around…got some quick pictures…
and headed back to the elevator as soon as possible. Back on the ground, I asked the boys if they liked it, “YEAH, lets do it again” Sam said. “No, ‘s scary” said Davis. I sided with Mr. Dave, and told Sam I was too scared to do it again. But we did go into the museum and while small, the kids seem to like walking through.
Sam thought it was funny to sit on Vulcan's toe.