Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hugs and Kisses

If you have been around Davis much you know that he is all in or all out most of the time.
There is very little in between with him.
For about 2 weeks straight the boys gave each other hugs and kisses at bed time and then ended up play wrestling on the floor before they were done.
Davis has Always wanted to snuggle up and hug on me and Scott where Sam has always been a little more independent.
When it comes to hugging and kissing each other, Sam as always been ready to give his brother one where Davis has to be in the mood for Sam.
In these videos you can see what I am talking about : )

You may need to pause the music at the bottom of the page to hear what they are saying.
It is also a little bit hard to hear Davis for some reason, don't know why.

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