Friday, July 10, 2009

Brothers and the Monster Truck

Magan was gone taking pictures this afternoon and left me with the boys. So after them begging me for awhile, we went outside to play. I was edging along the driveway while they played up at the fort, and then I got them some popsicles as I finished up near the road. Then I looked up to see what I have not seen since the infamous "Monster Truck" blog...Davis was riding with Sam and not screaming. I quickly ran to get the camera, and found them even...smiling and laughing together as they rode round and round on the monster truck.

Don't get me wrong...these guys have great times together, but not in a long time has it involved the monster truck. Another thing I saw as they were smiling at one another was Sam leaning over and kissing Dave on the head...and then this teary eyed dad saw Davis grab his big brother and plant a big ole sugar on Sam's cheek. I just couldn't help but smile...Sam saw me watching them, and I think he understood as well what a blogtastic story this was, and he gave me his big sweet grin.

After finishing sweeping up the driveway, The boys came down to me near the road where we just sat and waved to our neighbors as they drove by...saw a couple of airplanes...and watched a helicopter fly over low...

Back inside...skeeters were eating us up. We took our showers and got ready for bed. I love those boys...sometimes these little days at home just mean so much.


The Fite Family said...

I love days at home with my sweet little Ella Grace. What are you having this time, do you know?

Courtney said...

Have you copyrighted the term "blogtastic?" If not, I'm totally going to steal it....

The boys are adorable as always!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Courtney on the "blogtastic" term! The boys are just precious. Would love to see ya'll in Dothan sometime!