While cutting the grass the other Saturday, I ran across (literally) a small box turtle. Seeing it crawl (walk…I don’t know, what do turtles do…maybe swagger) away from his hideout that I had ruined, I quickly used my expert skills to pick up the turtle and take him over to show Sam and Davis. The boys were both excited to see the turtle, with Davis saying “He’s so cute, I want to pet him”. Sam asked where his mom and dad where. Sam and Davis both took turns holding him, although Davis did not like that too much.
But we ended up keeping him for a couple of days in an old tire, trying to give him some food. It was fun for the boys to run check on him, and fun for them to try and find him because he hid quite well in amongst the leaves. But I had to travel to GA on business, and while I was away, told Magan we should probably let him go.

I don’t think Davis took it very well, but in the end they said their goodbyes and Sam put him back where we found him. We haven’t seen him since, but hope he is doing well.
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