We began in the pioneer village where they also have a deer park. You can get very close to the deer and pet them through the fence. You can see that Davis had no problems sticking his whole arm threw the fence to pet the deer, this changed when one bit his finger. :)
We then went to see their lion, and other fun animals, before proceeding to the covered bridge and rock formations.
This is what I was looking forward to because I knew how much the boys would like climbing on the rocks. They loved it, we made our way through the rocks and climbed up one of the big walls of rocks. Magan got our picture on top. Later as Davis and I joined back up with Magan, I noticed that Sam had gone back down into the formations, and then I saw him climbing out by himself. He is a pretty brave little guy.
Sam and Davis then went with me down to the bottom of the falls while Magan took care of Anabelle up top. I did get one picture of the boys at the bottom before the camera battery died.
We played at the park, threw sticks in the water and watched them go over the falls, and then got on the train for a short ride back to the front of the park. Oh, and the only annoying part of this day is that my window on the explorer is broke, and Magan and I had to continually push it back up all day.