Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sam Stories

Magan had the boys at Walmart the other day, and Davis got to pick out a new monster truck for his birthday. Sam was saddened that he did not get a toy and began some pouting and fussing. Magan explained to him that it was not his birthday, and his birthday was coming up next. Then as she was getting some things for her on the crafts aisle, she also picked up some construction paper, glue sticks, and scissors for Sam to work on things at the house. She showed him these things almost jokingly that these were just as good as a monster truck. Then when Sam saw them…His eyes got big and his smile widened as he shouted with excitement “You’re Getting Me Art Supplies! Thank You Mom”.

Since we have brought the “art supplies” back to the house, Sam has been a card making fanatic. He is constantly making pictures and getting us to help him spell people’s names so he can write them a card. He has also started using his scissors to cut out shapes that apparently he clearly sees what they are. We have no idea what these little pieces of paper are, but to him they are a boat, a knife, a diamond. Last week he made an assortment of these little pieces of paper and put them in a Ziploc bag to take to church. With a very serious face he passed out the cards to all the “little kids” that he made one for, and he then passed out the scraps of paper to all the “big kids”. I saw several people thank him…but then did not know what to do with this little piece of paper he had just given them.

Sam came up to me the other day, and asked me about what things I liked, because he was making me a card. The picture below basically shows all the things I like and I think he did a good job with my card…

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