Saturday, March 6, 2010

Two Davis Stories

#1 During our weekly “Little Church” on Monday evenings, we all sat down to read a bible story. Sam and Davis enjoy these weekly times on the couch, and they get to lead prayers and lead songs. We sometimes have some trouble with getting them to stay still on the couch during this time, but most of the time they are great and participate.

After the opening prayer, we snuggled up close on the couch to begin the bible story, when Davis ran off to his room. “I’ve got to get my baby” he told (Or yelled at us, Davis is just naturally loud) us. Returning to the room with a baby stuffed giraffe cradled in his arms, I just shrugged and began reading. Then as I looked over at him very interested in the story, I noticed he had raised his shirt and was breastfeeding his baby giraffe. Needless to say, this delayed the reading for awhile as we laughed and laughed…

#2 Davis had received some money from Granny for his birthday, and we gave both Sam and Davis one dollar each to put in the collection on Sunday morning. The basket was being passed from row to row, and Davis was tracking it ready to make his deposit. Yet when it was finally his turn, he decided some of the other “monies” were very interesting and began picking through the basket, before Magan or I could grab his little hands. We were finally able to “convince” him to DROP HIS DOLLAR. I guess our next bible lesson should be about the money changers in the temple…

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